DDEV Contributor Live Training
See blogs and videos of past trainings
TL;DR: Sign up for contributor training at DDEV Live Event meetup group to get invitations to trainings.
As we announced in Recruiting Contributors and Maintainers we’re actively trying to increase the DDEV community of contributors and maintainers. To do that, we’re going to start a series of trainings, and we’d love to have you come. The trainings will include information on how to contribute by:
- Involvement in the issue queue and Discord channel
- Creating pull requests to solve known problems or provide new features
- Test new prereleases
- Understand basic Go programming techniques
- Set up a Go development environment using Goland or Vscode
- Run automated tests on your own machine
- Manage failed test runs and improve our tests
- Explore new test platforms for DDEV macOS and Windows automated tests
- Maintain and improve DDEV’s documentation
- Maintain and improve ddev.com
- Participate in reaching out to DDEV’s current and future financial funders
- Participate in marketing strategy and implementation
- Build and improve Docker images
Live training sessions will be held weekly on Tuesdays at 8am US MT, 5pm CET or CEST. The trainings will be recorded for everybody’s benefit. Sign up on the simple form below to get the calendar invite with zoom link.
Past Session Recordings:
- DDEV automated tests and how to improve them
- Hostname Resolution and Debugging in DDEV
- Using AI in DDEV Development (Continue.dev, etc.)
- Interpreting
ddev debug test
To Support Users - Maintaining DDEV Docker Images
- Implementing a New DDEV Project Type
- Managing and Maintaining DDEV Docs (Readthedocs.io, etc.)
- Using Tmate to Debug GitHub Workflows
- Using WSL2 with DDEV
- Git for Fun and Profit
- Making Your Own
ddev share
Variant - Go Development Environment with Goland or vscode
Please join the DDEV Live Event meetup to get notified about upcoming trainings. Drop by Discord or send an email if you want to talk more.